3 research outputs found

    Management information systems in social safety net programs : a look at accountability and control mechanisms

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    This paper is intended to provide task managers and World Bank Group clients working on Social Safety Net (SSN) programs with practical and systematic ways to use information management practices to mitigate risks by strengthening control and accountability mechanisms. It lays out practices and options to consider in the design and implementation of the Management Information System (MIS), and how to evaluate and mitigate operational risks originating from running a MIS. The findings of the paper are based on the review of several Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs in the Latin American Region and various World Bank publications on CCTs. The paper presents a framework for the implementation of MIS and cross-cutting information management systems that is based on industry standards and information management practices. This framework can be applied both to programs that make use of information and communications technology (ICT) and programs that are paper based. It includes examples of MIS practices that can strengthen control and accountability mechanisms of SSN programs, and presents a roadmap for the design and implementation of an MIS in these programs. The application of the framework is illustrated through case studies from three fictitious countries. The paper concludes with some considerations and recommendations for task managers and government officials in charge of implementing CCTs and other safety nets program, and with a checklist for the implementation and monitoring of MIS.E-Business,Technology Industry,Education for Development (superceded),Labor Policies,Knowledge Economy

    Blockchain y su aplicación en el ámbito financiero

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    En el año 2008 Nakamoto propuso la blockchain (cadena de bloques), que consiste en una tecnología que permite el funcionamiento del bitcoin. Se prevé que esta tecnología remodelará los modelos actuales de los servicios financieros. Actualmente, la tecnología blockchain tiene varios campos de acción, pero este trabajo se centró en su aplicación en el ámbito financiero. En ese sentido, se buscó dar a conocer la importancia que puede causar la implementación de este tipo de tecnología en las diferentes empresas del ámbito financiero, así como la relevancia que está causando su aplicación en las principales empresas del mundo. Para elaborar este trabajo de investigación se realizó una intensiva búsqueda sistemática de publicaciones académicas recientes relacionadas a la aplicación de la tecnología blockchain en el ámbito financiero. En primer lugar, se describió el origen, evolución y principios básicos de funcionamiento de esta tecnología. En el segundo capítulo se mencionó cómo la banca digital y las fintech son unos aliados estratégicos en el uso de la tecnología blockchain en la banca. Por su parte, en el tercer capítulo se revisaron los principales productos financieros en desarrollo mediante el uso de la tecnología blockchain y su aplicación en la banca comercial como la de inversión. Finalmente, se abordaron las limitaciones que aún no se implementan en la tecnología blockchain, así como las regulaciones que deben ponerse en práctica para restringir las actividades ilícitas que pueden suceder mediante el uso de esta tecnología en el sector financiero, los países deben tener esto en consideración ante una eventual regulación.In 2008 Nakamoto proposed the blockchain (chain of blocks), a technology that allows the operation of bitcoin. This technology is expected to reshape current models of financial services. Blockchain technology currently has several fields of action, but in this work, we focus on its application in the financial field. In this paper we want to make known the importance that the implementation of blockchain technology can cause in the different companies in the financial field, and the relevance that its application is already causing in the main companies in the world. To prepare this research work, an intensive systematic search of recent academic publications was conducted, which are related to the application of blockchain technology in the financial field. In the first place, we will describe this technology from its origin, evolution and basic principles of operation. In the second chapter we will touch on how digital banking and fintech are strategic allies in the use of blockchain technology in banking. In the third chapter we will review the main financial products under development through the use of blockchain technology and the application of this technology in commercial and investment banking. Finally, we will address the limitations that are not yet implemented in blockchain technology, as well as the regulations that must be implemented to restrict illicit activities that can be used through the use of this technology in the financial sector, this must be considered in the countries before a regulation.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona